Sunday, July 31, 2011

to begin yet again....

a year or so ago i set up this blog...well..not actually this was another one...but in any event~ i began a blog and never once posted to it. a bit of laziness perhaps...and it has been so much easier to use facebook status posts as a way to state what i might be feeling, experiencing, any given moment~ but my thoughts there are confined by space and decorum...(although sometimes i know i cross over the edge of "sensitive" "dark and troubled") truth is this is a far better venue for heart spill, struggle, enlightenment, articulated confusion, confessed depression, personal thrill, and angst~

to all who enter~ i am blessed by your interest~ and thank you for peeking in to wander with me~* us all~* <3

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robyn. I'm looking forward to seeing you on my blog feed. Keep it up and good luck.
